Lafarge Beocin Cement (Serbia) has installed a new low NOx MAS® kiln burner for petcoke and anthracite, natural gas, and solid secondary fuels (future) on a 4000tpd kiln in autumn 2003. The supplied 100MW burner by Unitherm-Cemcon is successfully in operation with either 100 per cent petcoke or 100 per cent anthracite. The burner was commissioned on the satellite cooler kiln, working with petcoke at about 600°C secondary air temperature. After the revamping of the entire kiln, the burner is now in operation with anthracite with a higher secondary air temperature of the new installed grate cooler. Unitherm-Cemcon has additionally supplied three new calciner burners and two next-generation Hot Gas Generators (30MW) which are now under commissioning for petcoke or anthracite firing without ash separator.

Holcim/Koromacno Cement (Croatia) has installed a new modern low NOx multichannel MAS kiln burner with a capacity of 78MW at their 1800tpd kiln line. The burner is in operation with five different fuels as: coal, animal meal, plastics, heavy fuel oil and waste oil. The new MAS. burner is successful in operation since spring 2004.

HeidelbergCement / Hungary- Vaz has replaced its old three channel burner by a new multichannel Low NOx  MAS kiln burner for the 3500tpd kiln. The new burner is designed for five different fuels and executed with a divisible jacked tube for easier service on the burner refractory. The supplied equipment includes two new calciner burners, and a modern combustion control system for fuel oil, gas and waste oil.

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