The Model 4500 Premier dust monitor surpassed the competition as the choice for a leading cement manufacturer in Northern Ireland. The application involved monitoring dust levels from a rotary kiln, which were typically between 20 and 60 mg/m3. These low levels are ideally suited to the 4500 Premier, with outstanding performance at levels as low as 15mg/m3. The 4500 Premier boasts both UK MCerts and German TÜV approval.

The cement plant was forced to remove their existing dust monitor for two main reasons: it did not have MCerts approval, and it failed to perform in-line with the gravimetric calibration. The Model 4500 Premier was chosen as the replacement.

The most important aspect of the 4500 Premier aside from the outstanding measurement performance – is the ability (due to its wide measurement range from 0-15 mg/m3 up to 3000 mg/m3) to cover all the possible measurement outputs from the cement kiln with just a single instrument.  Having a single instrument on plant, keeps operator and maintenance costs to a minimum.

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