The Lepol-kiln in the plant Wietersdorf/ Carinthia of Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Zementwerke GmbH will be upgraded to a modern preheater kiln with precalcination. Significant parts of the Lepol-kiln will persist and will be involved for the system of the new 5-step Cyclonpreheater with Calciner and tertiary air duct. The order for this project - design and after receipt of legal UVP approval also execution - has been awarded to the company PMT-Zyklontechnik GmbH in the frame of works renewal and capacity extension of the w&p plant. The contract has been signed yesterday in the office of Wietersdorfer in Klagenfurt.

Using the new preheater concept, the production in the first step will be increased from 1000 to 1400tpd. "The conversion to the new technology will reduce considerably the specific energy consumption and the emission to the air, particularly also CO2 emission for the climate protection," mentioned the managing director of w&p DI Hans-Jörg Glinz as a further important advantage of the new production technology. The new technical concept also includes a maximum flexibility for the use of different fuels.

The planning of the project starts immediately. The construction of the project will start after receipt of legal UVP approval. The start up of the new plant is scheduled for autumn 2005. The total investment cost for the project amount to approximately EUR 13m.