Shandong Jiangshan Cement Co. Ltd., China placed the order with KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, Germany for the engineering and supply of two clinker grinding plants, both of identical type for its cement plant at Linyi / Shandong.

Each plant will be designed for a capacity of 167tph cement at a fineness of 3,600 cm2/g according to Blaine. Feed materials will be clinker and lower portions of gypsum, limestone, slag and coal ash.

Scope of supply of KHD Humboldt Wedag comprises design and engineering, supply of key plant components and supervision of local manufacturing, erection and commissioning.

Key plant components for each of the two systems, designed by KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, are:
… Roller Press RP 13-140/140
… V-Separator.