The anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission in Jamaica has recommended an immediate combined 40 per cent tariff on the importation of portland grey cement, despite continuing arguments about the Caribbean Cement Company Limited's (CCCL) request for Government to raise the Common Export Tariff (CET) to 50 per cent. The Commission, which has been investigating the CCCL's complaint that imported cement is hurting the local industry, yesterday made its preliminary determination that "a provisional safeguard measure should be imposed in the amount of 25.83 per cent." As of today, that measure could be added to the already existing 15 per cent tax. It would then remain in effect for 200 days or, according to the Commission, until the Beverley Morgan-chaired executive agency "accepts an undertaking, suspends or terminates the investigation, or makes a final determination."

Tamil Nadu government proposes limestone levy
The government of Tamil Nadu, India, has proposed a levy of an additional INR160/t (US$1.84) on ...