The Philippine Department of Environment and National Resources (DENR) has launched its Philippine Environment Partnership Program (PEPP) to encourage companies to comply to environmental legislation by offering them recognition and incentives. The plan relies on voluntary self-regulation and self-monitoring and compliance principles.

Companies who want to participate in the programme need to complete an applications form, which the DENR then uses as a basis for categorising them in one of two categories: Track 1 and Track 2. Track 1 companies would be given the DENR Official Seal of Approval, valid for one year and renewable on a yearly basis. The seal could be used in advertising, but if the company violates or does not meet the programme’s criteria, the DENR could withdraw the seal.

But there are more incentives for Track 1 companies :

• they would be subject to simplified requirements for securing an environmental compliance certificate for expansion projects

• they would have preferential access to loans provided by the Philippine Development Bank and the Land Bank of the Philippines for pollution control projects

• they may be given further fiscal incentives, including tax credits

• they may use the technical assistance on pollution prevention technology from the DENR and the Department of Science and Technology.

Companies categorised as Track 2 will be “aiming to improve (their) environmental performance”, according to the DENR. They must draw up an environmental management plan and would be given 18-30 months to comply fully with environmental legislation. Although incentives for Track 2 companies will be similar to those for Track 1 companies, they will have to submit more regular progress reports.