New orders for KHD Humboldt Wedag AG at NORCEM AS - Dalen, Norway

New orders for KHD Humboldt Wedag AG at NORCEM AS - Dalen, Norway
04 May 2003

Enhanced use (up to 60 per cent) of secondary and lumpy fuels in the Brevik kiln plant

NORCEM, a Norwegian-based company of the Heidelberger Cement Group, has awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag AG the contract to provide engineering and equipment for the modification of kiln line No VI in their Brevik plant.

Use of a wider range of alternative fuels, eg RDF-residual derived fuels or shredded plastics and paper, liquid and solid hazardous waste and animal meal, is purpose of this measure combined with increased energy efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions.

The contract comprises modifications of the preheater and PYROCLON calciner including installation of a newly developed combustion chamber with HotSpot burner for the utilization of diverse alternative fuels. Especially lumpy secondary fuels, which for the operator of the plant involve price advantages, can be used to a high degree thanks to this technology.

Also included in the contract are PYROTOP‚-swirl chamber for improved burn-out and a bypass-system designed for a 10 per cent gas extraction rate including dust handling system and utilization of bypass gas in the clinker cooler.

This order represents a further landmark of future-oriented technology and confirms the continuous cooperation between NORCEM and the KHD Humboldt Wedag AG since 1962 on kiln technology.
Supervision of erection and commissioning will take place under the responsibility of KHD Humboldt Wedag. According to the contract the modification will be realized in two steps, finished by mid-2004.

Published under Cement News