Holcim recently opened Phase II of its Guayaquil, Ecuador, cement works modernisation. The second phase of the Guayaquil modernisation includes the addition of a new raw vertical mill, clay storage building and raw material storage.

During the 28-month construction period, the company strived to maintain high industrial safety, promoting safe work sites through 49,000h of staff training. The modernisation also focussed on environmental management, investing a fifth of the project’s construction cost in environmental control. In addition, the new clinker production line reduced CO2 emissions by 700,000t.

In the past five years, Holcim has invested US$400m in Ecuador. Phase I, which was completed in 2011, saw the installation of a vertical roller mill by Germany’s Loesche. This increased the plant’s cement capacity from 3.5 to 5.4Mta.