Matteo Rozzanigo, CEO of the Spanish arm of FYM-Italcementi, has been appointed as new president of the Andalusian cement producers’ association (AFCA). Mr Rozzanigo graduated from the Universidad Politécnica de Milán as industrial engineer and held posts mainly in Italcementi as Near East Director and also held directorships in International Development and Near East Development. He succeeds Isidoro Miranda, CEO of Lafarge Holcim Spain.
AFCA includes key Andalusian cement companies such as FYM-Italcementi, Cementos Cosmos, Cementos Portland Valderrivas and LafargeHolcim.
KHD to modernise Conch Zongyang preheater
The Conch Zongyang Line No 4 preheater modernisation project has been selected as a pilot projec...