The price of a bag of cement in Tamil Nadu, India, has increased 36-44 per cent in the past week, rising from INR250 (US$3.54) to INR340-360. R Radhakrishnan, trustee and former national president of the Builders’ Association of India, has noted that the increase will affect construction projects.

"The price of basic raw materials in manufacturing of cement has not increased. The price of cement bag has increased by INR100. This increase is totally unethical. We request the government to form a separate regulatory authority," said Mr Radhakrishnan.

Mr Radhakrishnan stated how the state government created companies in the past to lower prices. “They started Amma Cement to offer cement at affordable prices. A common man who builds a 500ft2 house would have to spend an additional INR100,000 because of the price rise,” he said.