India’s Dalmia Bharat Ltd has reported a 192.3 per cent YoY increase in consolidated net profit for the quarter ending 30 June, rising to INR1.52bn (US$21.82m) from INR520m. EBITDA was up 27.3 per cent to INR6.66bn from INR5.23bn.
Total revenue advanced 7.1 per cent to INR25.81bn, compared with INR24.11bn in the 1QFY18-19. Cement sales volumes were fairly consistent with the year-ago period at 4.55Mt from 4.51Mt, with the flat YoY growth attributed to general elections spanning the first two months of the 1QFY19-20.
The company has remained positive in its outlook for the rest of the year. "On the back of continuity of government at the centre and its continued focus on infrastructure development, the outlook for demand growth in India remains positive from 2HFY19-20 onwards," said the company in a statement.
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