Cement sales in Puerto Rico reached 53,570t in October 2019, representing a five per cent increase from 50,973t in October 2019, according to the Instituto Estadísticas de Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rican cement producers supplied 39,286t of cement in October, down 9.3 per cent from 43,333t the previous year.
In the first 10 months of 2019 sales declined by 6.6 per cent to 1.07Mt when compared with 1.145Mt in the 10M18.
Output in the January-October 2019 period fell by 10.4 per cent YoY to 0.961Mt. In the year-ago period 1.072Mt of cement was produced in domestic cement plants.
US cement sales rebound in October
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement, including imports, in the US and Puerto Rico amo...