Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stopped growing at around 33Gt in 2019, despite the world economy expanding by 2.9 per cent, according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) global CO2 emission report. In advanced economies, total energy-related CO2 emissions fell by 3.2 per cent to 11.3Gt from 11.7Gt. The decline in emissions has been attributed to milder weather in larger economies and weaker economic growth on a global scale.
However, clean energy transitions also made an impact in 2019, particularly led by the power sector. Global power sector emissions declined by 170Mt (1.2 per cent) with the biggest falls taking place in advanced economies where CO2 emissions are now at levels not seen since the late 1980s, stated the agency in its report.

IEA, "Energy related CO2 emissions, 1990-2019"
Total CO2 emissions from coal usage fell 1.3 per cent (200Mt) from 2018, offsetting emission increases from oil and natural gas use.
Going forward, oil demand is expected to be heavily impacted by the coronavirus in the 1Q20, with the IEA forecasting a consumption decline of 435,000bpd compared to the year-ago period. This would be the first quarterly contraction in more than 10 years.