Total sales of Semen Indonesia Group (SIG) fell two per cent in March 2020 to 3,098,449t when compared with March 2019, when sales reached 3,161,373t, according to data released by SIG.

Semen Indonesia, including PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia (SBI), reported a 4.9 per cent YoY drop in sales to 2,879,329t  as the domestic market contracted by 9.5 per cent with offtake at 2,490,257t. However, exports advanced by 40.2 per cent YoY to 389,072t in March 2020.

Thang Long Cement Co (TLCC) posted a 64.1 per cent rise in sales volumes as it sold 219,120t when compared with 133,541t in March 2019. The company’s domestic sales rose by 16.9 per cent YoY to 153,670t while export volumes jumped from 2033t to 65,450t.

January-March 2020
In the first three months of 2020 SIG posted a seven per cent advance in sales volumes from 8,752,460t in 1Q19 to 9,369,052t in 1Q20.

Semen Indonesia (including SBI) saw a 6.5 per cent YoY rise to 8,892,902t, of which 7,872,294t (+4.7 per cent YoY) were sold in the domestic market and 1,020,607t (+23.2 per cent) were exported.

TLCC reported a 17.5 per cent YoY increase in sales volumes to 476,150t in the January-March 2020 period. Of the total, domestic sales were up 20.4 per cent to 303,722t while export sales increased 12.6 per cent YoY to 172,429t.