To reduce the moisture content of the alternative fuel (RDF) for the kiln, Lafarge Cement Hungary Ltd (LafargeHolcim) has awarded A TEC a contract for the implementation of a new AF concept for the kiln front end at Királyegyháza, near Pécs, Hungary.
The system will enable the plant to feed two parallel AF streams simultaneously. A TEC will provide its innovative flash dryer where material will be dried using residual hot gas from the chlorine bypass system and a satellite burner for firing the material in the kiln. For the second RDF flow, firing in the kiln burner directly, a new AF receiving, handling, and dosing system will be part of A TEC’s project. The project will be commissioned in the 2Q21.
The 1Mta Királyegyháza cement plant will aim to recycle 100 times more waste than produced during its operation.
Published under Cement News