Anthony J Jackson, a former director of UK-based cement multinational Blue Circle Industries PLC, sadly passed away on 29 March at the age of 87. Mr Jackson was previously the CEO of Blue Circle’s Nigerian operations, following earlier responsibilities in the UK and Australia. He was later also responsible for the Far East segment and involved in operations in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
He went on to become the CEO of Blue Circle Enterprises in the UK, responsible for all non-cement activities, including decorative products, bricks, industrial minerals & aggregates, as well as Armitage Shanks and the property division.
After retirement he worked for a few years as a consultant supporting some of Blue Circle’s overseas operations in Nigeria and elsewhere.
Mr Jackson’s grandson, Michael, continues the family link with cement and now works for LafargeHolcim in the UK. The family would welcome anyone who wishes to honour Tony, to make donations in his name to the charity Excellent Development at

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