Buzzi Unicem’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2020 reported consolidated net sales came in at EUR3222.4m, virtually unchanged compared to EUR3221.4m in 2019. EBITDA stood at EUR780.8m (EUR728.1m in 2019). The income statement reported a consolidated net profit of EUR560.2m versus a profit of EUR385.7m in 2019. 

As at 31 December 2020, net debt amounted to EUR241.6m, down EUR326.2m from EUR567.8m at 2019 year-end. Total equity, inclusive of non-controlling interests, stood at EUR3603.0m versus EUR3690.8m at 2019 year-end. Consequently, debt/equity ratio decreased to 0.07 from 0.15 in the previous year. 

In 2020 the parent company Buzzi Unicem SpA reported a net profit of EUR293.4m versus a net profit of EUR87.2m in 2019, with a cash flow of EUR331.9m.