Cement deliveries in the October-December 2021quarter in Switzerland (including Liechtenstein) reached 1,037,394t, up 3.4 per cent when compared with the 4Q20, when 1,002,614t,were supplied to the market, according to cemsuisse, the Swiss cement association.
Full-year deliveries edged up one per cent from 4.151Mt in 2020 to 4.177Mt in 2021.
Cement types with a lower clinker factor and therefore, lower CO2 emissions than Portland cement, continued to increase to 94.6 per cent.
In addition, rail transport increased its share to 38.2 per cent in 2021 from 37.4 per cent in 2020.
A total of 73 per cent of deliveries was supplied to ready-mix concrete plants and a further 20.3 per cent to in-situ concrete plants on large construction sites.

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