Cambodia’s cement producers manufactured 1,524,248t of cement in January-February 2022, up by 2.1 per cent when compared with a production of 1,493,212t in the 2M21, according to Cambodia Cement Manufacturing Association (CMMA).
Kampot Cement Co was leading the production rankings with an output of 420,736t, followed by Battambang Conch Cement Co with 349,500t and Chip Mong Insee Cement with 341,388t. Cambodia Cement Chakrey Ting Factory Co produced 217,656t while Thai Boon Roong Cement Co Ltd’s output was 194,968t in the 2M22.
CCMA secretary-general Puth Chandarith told The Phnom Pen Post that the total output of the five factories can meet “about 90 per cent” of domestic demand, requiring “around one million tonnes” to be imported each year.
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