Deliveries of cement in Switzerland, including Liechtenstein, were down 10 per cent YoY to 855,144t in the first quarter of 2023 from 950,556t, according to data published by cemsuisse, the Swiss cement association.
CEM II/B-M (T-LL) 42,5 N accounted for 32.5 per cent of deliveries while CEM II/A-LL 42,5 N had a 24.5 per cent of the market. CEM II/B-LL 32,5 R accounted for 23.5 per cent of deliveries. CEM I types covered 4.3 per cent of Swiss cement sales.
Sales to ready-mix concrete companies had a 73.7 per cent of the market, followed by building companies (19.8 per cent) while the off take of the concrete products segment had 4.9 per cent share. The retail sector accounted for 0.1 per cent of total deliveries.
A total of 96.9 per cent of cement was delivered in bulk and 3.1 per cent as bagged cement.
Approximately 62.9 per cent of cement was delivered by truck in the first quarter of 2023, down from 64.7 per cent in the year-ago period. Rail deliveries accounted for 37.1 per cent in the 1Q23, up from 35.3 per cent in the 1Q22.

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Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...