Pakistan's cement industry saw a negative trend in export revenue on the back of a range of factors, including a slowdown in economic activity in Pakistan and overseas. According to the country’s Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), in the 9MFY22-23 the cement industry earned US$135.439m by exporting 2.91Mt of cement and clinker, compared with US$199.372m from 5.23Mt exports in the 9MFY21-22. This shows that exports slid by 32.1 per cent in value, and volumes were down by 44.4 per cent. In local currency terms, export sales receded by 6.3 per cent YoY to PKR32.26bn, FBS added. 

On an encouraging note, during March 2023 alone, export revenues increased to US$17.74m on shipments of 436,070t versus US$17.055m on 411,512t in February 2023. This translates to a 4.1 per cent MoM growth in value terms and six per cent in volume. However, exports fell by 10.4 per cent YoY in value and 8.9 per cent in quantity compared to export figures of US$19.817m on 478,544t in March 2022.