Total cement and clinker exports from Vietnam increased by 66 per cent to 2,633,428t in May 2023 when compared with May 2022. Cement exports surged by 69 per cent YoY to 1,974,348t while clinker exports advanced by 56 per cent to 659,080t in May 2023. Clinker was exported by non-VNCA members only, who supplied 659,080t of clinker to overseas markets, up 65 per cent YoY. They also exported the largest volume of cement – 1,374,323t – an increase of 56 per cent YoY. VICEM exported 331,113t of cement, up 55 per cent, while other VNCA members saw cement exports of 268,912t, up 267 per cent YoY, in May 2023.

Meanwhile, cement dispatches in Vietnam declined 19 per cent YoY to 5,044,095t in May 2023, according to the Vietnam National Cement Association, VNCA. Of this total, 1,606,922t were dispatched by VICEM, down 18 per cent YoY and 1,037,173t, down 25 per cent YoY, by other VNCA members. Vietnam’s other cement producers sold 2,400,000t.

January-May 2023
In the five-month period between January and May 2023, cement sales in Vietnam declined 16 per cent YoY to 23.689Mt. VICEM sales were down 16.8 per cent to 7.638Mt while other VNCA members saw their sales shrink by 26.1 per cent YoY to 4.741Mt. The country’s other cement producers reported a 12.1 per cent decrease in sales to 11.31Mt.

Total exports reached 13.018Mt in the January-May 2023 period, which represents a decline of 15 per cent YoY. Cement exports advanced 19 per cent YoY to 8.381Mt during this period, but insufficient to offset the 44 per cent YoY drop in clinker exports to 4.637Mt. VICEM’s cement exports declined by 17 per cent YoY to 1.3Mt, but other VNCA members saw their export sales increase by 60 per cent YoY to 0.793Mt. Non-VNCA members reported a 26 per cent upturn in cement exports to 6.298Mt. In terms of clinker, VICEM exported 54,905t, down 87 per cent YoY, while other VNCA members exported 26,810t, down 96 per cent. Vietnam’s other cement producers sold 4.555Mt of clinker overseas, down 37 per cent YoY.