Sama Samawa Industries Commissioner revealed an agreement with Sinoma to establish a cement factory in Muthanna Governorate, southern Iraq. While stating that the production will reach 7000tpa, the director of the Chinese company affirmed that the factory will be operational by 2025.

Taha Mashat, commissioner of Sama Samawa Industries, stated: "The project aims to produce various types of cement, with daily production reaching 7000t and an annual output of 2Mt."

Mr Mashat added, "The company responsible for executing the project is Sinoma, a renowned Chinese company specialising in cement plant construction worldwide. The contract value for establishing this factory in Muthanna Governorate amounts to US$200m, with a projected timeline of 18 to 20 months for completion. The workforce in the factory will consist of 500 Iraqi individuals." 

The commissioner further elaborated: "The cement factory project is the first venture for the Chinese company in Iraq. They have undertaken similar projects in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and South America. The Muthanna cement plant will be one of the largest facilities in terms of size and production capacity in Iraq."