Lafarge Algeria (Holcim) exported 3.4Mt of cement and clinker in 2023, up seven per cent from 3.2Mt in 2022. The company achieved an export market share of 30 per cent and increased its export turnover by 17 per cent.
A total of 40 per cent of exports were shipped as cement, a threefold increase YoY. In 2024 the company expects to increase cement exports to a 60 per cent share of total exports.
Holcim Algeria has made significant investments in its export division, including a EUR3.5m ship loader in 2023. It also bought a new fleet of high-performance trucks and has undertaken the construction of new cement silos at its Mascara plant. Investments have also been made in white cement storage halls to handle larger ships via the ports of Oran, Mostaganem and Arzew.
CEMBUREAU calls for timely CBAM start
In view of the current launch of significant decarbonisation investments, CEMBUREAU has highligh...