Total cement dispatches of Portland and blended cement in the USA and Puerto Rico, including imports, picked up by 2.6 per cent YoY to 8.7Mt in November 2023, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). Of the total blended volume reported, 4.8Mt, or 99 per cent, was estimated to be Portland limestone cement. The leading markets in the US were Texas, California, Florida, Ohio and Georgia. The leading producing states for Portland and blended cement were Teas, Missouri, California, Florida and Alabama. They accounted for 38.3 per cent of November shipments.
Approximately 179,000t of masonry cement was dispatches in November, representing a 7.1 per cent decline YoY. The leading masonry cement-consuming states – Florida, Texas, North Carolina, California, Georgia and Tennessee – accounted for 60.9 per cent of dispatches in November 2023.
Clinker production (excluding Puerto Rico) declined 3.9 per cent YoY to 6.7Mt in November 2023.
To supplement local production, 1.9Mt of cement and clinker was imported in November 2023, representing an 11.3 per cent decrease when compared with November 2022.
January-November 2023
Total cement shipments of Portland and blended cement in the USA and Puerto Rico slipped to 99.5Mt in the January-November 2023 period.
Masonry cement shipments fell 5.6 per cent YoY to 2.2Mt in the 11M23.
Clinker output in the 11M23 decreased 4.3 per cent YoY to 69.8Mt in the January-November 2023 period.
Imports in the 11M23 remained stable at 25Mt when compared with import volumes in the 11M22.

Tamil Nadu government proposes limestone levy
The government of Tamil Nadu, India, has proposed a levy of an additional INR160/t (US$1.84) on ...