Dangote Cameroon imports clinker from Nigeria and Congo to ensure 1Q supply

Dangote Cameroon imports clinker from Nigeria and Congo to ensure 1Q supply
06 May 2024

Dangote Cement sold 354,000t of cement in the Cameroon market in the 1Q24, representing 35 per cent of total cement production in the country, according to EcoMatin. While ongoing infrastructure projects in the country supported sales by Dangote, the company has faced challenges due to inflationary pressures and increasing fuel costs.

Dangote has delivered significant quantities of clinker to Cameroon to support its local output. From its base in Nigeria, the company delivered 178,000t while the subsidiary in the Republic of Congo was also reported to have shipped significant quantities. The shipments have enabled the company to avoid the increase in clinker prices on the international market.

Published under Cement News