Swiss cement sales fell 4.6 per cent YoY in 2024, amounting to 3.56Mt. Low-carbon cement types accounted for 96.9 per cent of deliveries.
In terms of distribution, cement transported by road accounted for 62.6 per cent of deliveries while cement transported by rail accounted for 37.4 per cent – similar to 2023. A total of 3.45Mt, or 96.1 per cent of cement deliveries was distributed as bulk cement, while 0.108Mt (3.9 per cent) was delivered in bags.
Ready-mix concrete companies accounted for the largest share of deliveries, 71.6 per cent, as 255Mt of cement was supplied to them. Construction companies accounted for 784,015t, or 22 per cent, of cement deliveries. The shares of concrete products and wholesale segments were 4.7 and 1.6 per cent respectively. No significant deliveries to the retail sector was reported by cemsuisse.
According to cemsuisse, 2024 was a difficult year for the Swiss construction sector, with economic and political uncertainty as well as high energy prices weighing on activity. However, cemsuisse notes that a greater-than-expected fall in inflation and low interest rates suggest cautiously positive forecasts.