Heidelberg Materials has ordered an MVR vertical roller mill of the type MVR 5000 C-4 from Gebr Pfeiffer. This mill will grind ultra-fine Portland cement at the existing Heidelberg Materials works in Airvault, France.

The mill will be equipped with a latest-generation SLS 4500 VC classifier and will primarily produce 145tph of Portland cement with a fineness of 4500cm²/g (according to Blaine). Such fineness degrees are not uncommon with MVR mills. This type of mill is particularly suitable for the production of ultra-fine Portland cements due to its efficiency and extremely smooth running because of its design characteristics. CEM I cements with fineness degrees of over 5000cm²/g (according to Blaine) are produced in many grinding plants worldwide using MVR mills. 

As in Airvault, blended cements are also produced in many places from ultra-fine Portland cement blended with other constituents. This lowers the clinker content in the cement, which also significantly reduces CO2 emissions from cement production.

The contract is being handled by the Chinese general contractor CBMI. The MVR mill is expected to be commissioned in the first half of 2026.