Cement dispatches in Colombia slipped three per cent YoY to 0.87Mt in January 2024 from 0.897Mt in January 2024, according to the country’s statistics office, DANE. Bulk cement dispatches declined by 11.9 per cent YoY in the first month of 2025 while bagged cement dispatches were up by 1.4 per cent when compared with the equivalent period of the previous year.

Deliveries to the retail sector picked up by 2.3 per cent YoY but dispatches to the construction companies and contractors shrank by 8.8 per cent YoY in January 2025. Ready-mix concrete producers reduced their off-take by 6.9 per cent YoY. Dispatches to other sectors dropped 20.8 per cent YoY in January 2025.

The departments of Nariño and Casanare saw the largest growth, by 34.5 and 13 per cent, respectively. The markets of Quindío and Santander reported the largest contraction – 21.9 and 12.9 per cent,respectively. In Antioquia dispatches slipped by 1.9 per cent and in Valle del Cauca, they edged up by 0.1 per cent. Cundimarca deliveries fell by two per cent, Atlántico dispatches were down 6.8 per cent, but those in Bolívar saw 6.6 per cent growth. 

Production from domestic plants saw a 5.9 per cent YoY drop to 0.946Mt from 1.006Mt in January 2023.