
Raj Sahu

Registered User


I would also like to add further to the response of MrTed, A higher Ti: 1.Results in sharp redction in C3S c...

re Oil Well Cement

Dear Arvind, Many thanks for appropriate reply.Could you please share your experience on the following points o...

re Oil Well Cement

Dear Stephenb, Thanks for sharing the information on Oil Well Cement.Could you please also inform critical modu...

re Oil Well Cement

Dear Stephenb, Thanks for sharing the information on Oil Well Cement.Could you please also inform critical modu...

re Oil Well Cement

Oil Well Cement

What is the difference between the production process of Ordinary Portland cement and Oil Well Cement?

re Re: Thermal Loading in the Kiln

re Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

Please read the article "Effect of P2O5 and Chloride on clinkering reaction" for better understanding http://w...

re Impact of P2O5 in clinker and cement chemically?

A higher P2O5: 1.Accelerates the clinkerization reaction 2. Reduces the intensity of internal volatile cycle...

re Raw mix adjustment for courser quartz and calcite

Mr. Ted rightly pointed out that your C3S content indicates that free lime in the clinker is around 2-3%.Coarse qu...
