Yes you are right, 2 is a more common value. Looking in my files, I found several plants with values around 2 and ev...
The hot meal SO3 enrichment (w/r to clinker) is obtained by measuring the hot meal SO3 content and comparing it to t...
I use now the "clogging index" based on the hot meal analysis: cidx=(Cl(hot meal) + SO3(hot meal)*0.5) A limit cou...
Oxygen enrichment increases the flame temperature and decreases the amount of nitrogen entering the kiln. This can p...
Hello, From time to time I am desperate about finding reliable or understandable or documented data about fuels and...
There are many book on combustion. This book on rotary kiln might answer your questions: Rotary Kilns: Transport ...
Hello Davo, This week, you can use this email:
More data are needed, like for the two compared situation: - oxygen level for each cyclone - fuel consumption at ma...
I think that more details would be needed to give an answer. Is your fuel package and/or fuel quality unchanged? Wha...