Cement News tagged under: Cembureau

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Cembureau: 4Q13 economic improvement in Europe

07 May 2014, Published under Cement News

Cembureau noted a clear improvement in the macroeconomic and industrial environment across the EU over the second half of 2013, gaining some momentum in 4Q13, resulting in overall better annual 2013 figures compared to one year earlier. Real GDP growth in 2013 was 0.1 per cent (versus -0.4 per cent in 2012) in the EU. Germany recorded a GDP growth of 0.4 per cent (versus 0.7 per cent) and France of 0.3 per cent (versus 0 per cent). Italy and Spain remained in recession, albeit less severe...

Cembureau: cement sector should maintain carbon leakage status

06 November 2013, Published under Cement News

Cembureau, the European Cement Association, has called for the European cement sector to maintain its carbon leakage status. In a statement released today, Cembureau responded to the Carbon Leakage Evidence Project report, recently published by  Dutch consultancy Ecorys, which found 'no evidence for any carbon leakage' in the past two periods of the European Trading System. In relation to the European cement industry, the report – specially commissioned by the European Commission, DG Cli...

European Commission publishes NIM decision

03 October 2013, Published under Cement News

The European Commission published its decision relating to the National Implementation Measures (NIM) under the EU Emission Trading Directive (EU-ETD) on 5 September. It highlights that a stringent cross-sectoral reduction factor has been applied to the free allocations to be allocated to industry recognised as vulnerable to carbon leakage. Responding to the decision, the European cement association Cembureau said it “deplores the lack of transparency in the Decision regarding the numbers...

European cement sector: a strategic contributor to Europe's future – report

07 March 2013, Published under Cement News

A study published by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), commissioned by CEMBUREAU, outlines the competitiveness of the cement industry in Europe and its role in helping the region achieve its goals of developing a sustainable, resource efficient and innovative society. In a statement released yesterday, the European cement association said the report shows that the  cement and concrete industry in Europe contributes to the economy with a total production value of €74bn, a value added of €...

ETS: 2013 distribution of free allowances postponed

06 February 2013, Published under Cement News

On 25 January 2013, the European Commission announced a delay in the distribution of free allowances to industrial installations participating in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), scheduled by the end of February 2013, reports Cembureau. According to an official statement, "the Commission aims to conclude the overall process as soon as possible in order to provide industrial installations and all other market participants with certainty". Cembureau points out that on 12 December 201...

CEMBUREAU: competitiveness and legal predictability are key to EU carbon market

15 November 2012, Published under Cement News

CEMBUREAU, the European cement association, said it will further reflect and analyse the European Commission’s report on the state of the European carbon market in 2012 so it can help to ensure that the cement industry can continue to plan long-term investment in Europe, within a stable, consistent and predictable legal environment. The European Commission is taking two key steps to address a growing demand-supply imbalance in the EU emissions trading system (EU ETS). It proposes to delay...

CEMBUREAU welcomes new CEO

02 July 2012, Published under Cement News

Koen Coppenholle has become the the new Chief Executive of CEMBUREAU, taking over from  Jean-Marie Chandelle who retired at the end of June. “I will ensure that the voice of our industry sector is heard in the major ongoing policy debates, ranging from the future design of European climate change and energy legislation to the reflection on a resource efficient society. In order to remain successful in Europe, the cement industry needs a competitive environment with an appropriate legal fr...

European Commission to apply BAT conclusions to CLM BREF

05 April 2012, Published under Cement News

In mid-February, the European Commission launched the process to transform relevant parts of the Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide BREF into Best Available Technique (BAT) conclusions under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).  The process has not been welcomed by the European cement association, Cembureau. “Cembureau is very disappointed with the uncalled for initiative of the European Commission to apply BAT conclusions, newly imposed by the IED (2010/75/EU adopted on 24 November 20...

Cembureau: proposed ecodesign criteria should not apply to cement industry

04 April 2012, Published under Cement News

The European Commission is currently laying the groundwork for the new Ecodesign Directive, which will provide consistent EU-wide rules for improving the environmental performance of energy related products (ERPs) through ecodesign.  Cembureau, the European cement association, is challenging the Directive, which threatens to subject energy-using products such as rotary kilns used in the cement industry to the new ecodesign criteria. The association argues that as cement kilns are part of ...