Cement News tagged under: Cembureau

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Creating a new vision

24 September 2019, Published under Cement News

Raoul de Parisot, president of CEMBUREAU, talks to ICR about his expectations for the future of the European cement industry, including risks posed by the EU Emissions Trading System, and sets out the sector’s vision for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Raoul de Parisot, president of cembureau: “One of the most important aspects of my new position is to establish a level playing field for our industry to maintain its capacity to innovate and invest in Europe, to create jobs ...

Cembureau elects new president and vice-president

17 June 2019, Published under Cement News

The European cement association, Cembureau, has appointed its new president and vice-president at its general assembly in Helsinki, Finland, on 14 June 2019. Raoul de Parisot, advisor to the chairman and CEO of Vicat, will take over as president from Gonçalo Salazar Leite, vice-president of SECIL. Isidoro Miranda Fernandez, CEO of LafargeHolcim Spain, is Cembureau’s new vice-president. Speaking following his election as president, Raoul de Parisot said he was delighted to be taking up the...

Cement needs collaborative approach to environmental challenges

20 May 2019, Published under Cement News

This week, HeidelbergCement reported that it was the first cement producer to have its CO 2 reduction targets validated to 2030 , while the Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement (LEILAC) pilot plant began test operations at the company's Lixhe cement works in Belgium. This landmark project, which aims to capture 95 per cent of CO 2 emissions from the kiln, is an example of the kind of collaborative industry partnerships that will be critical for the cement industry, if it is to successf...

CEMBUREAU takes stock of Low Carbon Road map 2050 objectives

30 October 2018, Published under Cement News

C EMBUREAU recently hosted its 'Low Carbon Roadmap Progress towards the 2°C target' in the European Parliament, where it gave an industry update to MEPs. Five years ago the European cement industry published its Low Carbon Roadmap, outlining how CO 2 emissions could be reduced by 32 per cent (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050 with conventional technologies and potentially by 80 per cent if breakthrough technologies become widely available. C EMBUREAU has now taken stock of where the ceme...

Cembureau highlights role of cement industry in EU plastic waste disposal

17 January 2018, Published under Cement News

Following the European Commission's initiative to develop a dedicated plastics strategy in a circular economy, published on 16 January, the European cement association, Cembureau, has highlighted the part played by the cement industry in reducing plastic waste. Apart from the importance of the need for a ban on landfill of recoverable and recyclable waste, the organisation urges policymakers to strongly focus on the recognition that cement plants can treat different waste streams such as ...

EU agrees revised ETS for 2021-30

14 November 2017, Published under Cement News

Coinciding with the UN Climate Summit COP23 in Bonn later this month, EU negotiators have agreed a revised Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for the 2021-30 trading period. Following a two-year intensive negotiation process, the agreement builds on the Commission’s approval and includes the following main improvements agreed by Parliament and Council. Significant changes to the system will be made to speed up emissions reductions and strengthen the Market Stability Reserve to accelerate t...

Further slight recovery in EU 28 cement production

13 June 2017, Published under Cement News

According to CEMBUREAU’s 2016 Activity Report published yesterday, European cement production in the EU 28 further slightly recovered in 2015 (167.2Mt), confirming the cautious upward trend started in 2013 (166.6Mt) after the dramatic fall in the crisis period. Cement consumption has risen slightly from 2014 to 2015 within both the EU28 and the CEMBUREAU region, the report shows. Total world cement production is estimated at 4.6bnt. The CEMBUREAU region’s share of world production fell by ...

CEMBUREAU welcomes new President & VP

13 June 2017, Published under Cement News

Gonçalo Salazar Leite (Vice Chairman Secil), has been elected as President of CEMBUREAU for a two-year term at the Association's General Assembly held on 9 June in Paris (France) after having completed his mandate of Vice-President over the last two years.  He takes over from Mr Daniel Gauthier, former CEO Western Europe-Africa and Member of the Managing Board of HeidelbergCement. In addition,  Raoul de Parisot, advisor to Vicat’s Chairman and CEO, has been elected as Vice-President of CEMBU...

CEMBUREAU: EU-ETS needs to ensure sufficient flexibility for free allocation share

24 May 2017, Published under Cement News

With many stakeholders  calling for a proper impact assessment ahead of the EU-ETS trilogue, Ecofys, a Navigant company, has published a study, commissioned by CEMBUREAU, which compares and analyses the supply and demand balance in terms of the free allowances available and this for the European Commission, European Parliament and Council proposals. The authors have also assessed the likelihood of the Cross Sectoral Correction Factor (CSCF), the European cement association said in a statemen...

Cembureau welcomes European Parliament's approach to EU-ETS policymaking

16 February 2017, Published under Cement News

Cembureau has reponded to this week's vote in Strasbourg by the European Parliament, welcoming its decision not to deliberately discriminate between sectors and to apply a fact-based approach to policymaking on the EU-ETS post-2020 bill. Cembureau said the proposals adopted by MEPs go some way to developing an EU-ETS, which combines the goals of making Europe’s industry more CO 2 efficient, while maintaining its competitiveness. Cembureau welcomes, in particular: • The inclusion of dynamic...