Cement News tagged under: Dangote Cement

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Ghana: Dangote sets up tarpaulin distribution centres

14 September 2016, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement Ghana Ltd has embarked on an exercise to distribute 1000 tarpaulins to its cement distributors across Ghana, said Dangote marketing manager, Evans Oloquaye Martey. He explained that with the tarpaulin technology, distributors only need platforms on which to put the cement, then use the tarpaulins to cover and secure them against theft and rain.

 “The tarpaulin concept of trading cement is an age-long practice in Nigeria and other west African countries that does not requir...

Chinese imports into Kenya show 10-fold rise

12 September 2016, Published under Cement News

New figures from the Kenyan National Bureau of Statistics reveal that the country imported KES2.2bn (US$21.7m) of cement from China in the first six months of 2016, up more than ten-fold on last year. A report by Business Daily Africa notes that these latest data look set to increase tension between Kenyan producers and Chinese contractors working on some of the country’s biggest infrastructure projects. The Chinese building firms have repeatedly denied claims that they import cement a...

Dangote announces price rise, starts coal mining in November

01 September 2016, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement's sales growth remains robust with Nigerian vollumes up 15 per cent in July and August. However, in the current quarter, the company has seen disruption to the gas supply, its preferred fuel in Nigeria. This has led to a substantial hike in its fuel costs as the company increasingly relies on LPFO and, to a lesser extent, on coal as prices for these alternatives are up to three times higher. The significant devaluation of the naira against the US dollar has also contributed to...

Nigeria: cement prices in Lagos rise by over a third

31 August 2016, Published under Cement News

The price of bagged cement in Lagos has risen sharply overnight, according to reports in The Nation. A 50kg bag now retails for between NGN2200 and NGN2300 (US$7-7.30), a rise of around 40 per cent on previous prices. Kunle Awobodu, vice-president of the Nigeria Institute of Building (NIOB), said: “Clients, contractors and quantity surveyors may have disagreements due to price variations. New price on old contracts in a competitive bidding may eventually lead to sub-standardisation in con...

Nigeria: Dangote Cement to switch to using coal

09 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement has announced plans to begin its own coal mining operations as it switches away from gas as a means for powering its plants. The company will begin producing coal at the Ankpa mines in Kogi State from 4Q16. Previously, Dangote had used natural gas as a fuel for its plants, but interruptions to supply and the revaluation of the naira have caused the company to seek alternatives. Group CEO Onne van der Weijde stated: "We decided two to three years ago to diversify and re-r...

Dangote reports 60% rise in sales in 1H16

29 July 2016, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement announced its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2016. The company saw its revenue grow by 20.6 per cent to NGN292.2bn (US$925m) but lower selling prices, higher fuel costs and the impact of Pan-African plants in ramp-up phase saw its EBITDA down 10.2 per cent to NGN132.5bn. The EBITDA margin reached 45.4 per cent. Net debt stood at NGN293.3bn, giving a net gearing of 43.1 per cent. In terms of group cement volumes, Dangote sold 59.5 per cent more cement YoY...

Dangote Cement

22 July 2016, Published under Cement News

Dangote Cement has signed an EPC contract with Sinoma International Engineering Co Ltd for its new 1.5Mta slag grinding plant in Onne, Nigeria. The US$89m project includes the entire process from the unloading of slag and plaster to the packaging and delivery of the final cement. Sinoma will provide engineering design, equipment procurement and supply, dismantling of existing factory buildings, civil construction, installation of mechanical and electrical equipment, debugging and staff tr...

Nigeria: Sinoma wins EPC contracts for two projects

20 July 2016, Published under Cement News

China National Materials Company said its subsidiary Sinoma International Engineering Co Ltd, has signed two Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts in Nigeria - one for a 6000tpd production line with Okpella Cement Plc and a further one for the 1.5Mta Onne slag grinding plant with Dangote Cement Plc. The first project is for a 6000tpd integrated cement plant in Okpella, Edo state, and covers the whole process from crushing of limestone mines to packing and delivery of...

Ghana: Dangote creates 5000 jobs

13 July 2016, Published under Cement News

To improve the access and availability of cement across the country, Dangote Cement Ghana has acquired 1000 new trucks for the distribution of cement into all parts of Ghana. These new trucks have opened up opportunities for drivers, loaders and truck driver assistants. Media Relations Manager for the company, Etornam Komla, said that the cement producers has started the recruitment process and that all new drivers will be on board by the end of July. As well as investing in distribution,...

Nepal: planned entry of foreign cement giants

21 June 2016, Published under Cement News

The proposed entry of foreign cement manufacturers into the Nepalese market has set off an expansion drive amongst domestic producers. Dangote Cement of Nigeria, Reliance Cement of India and Hongshi and Huaxin of China have all been given necessary approvals to begin operations in Nepal. The combined FDI for these companies amounts to US$1.45bn and the total proposed output stands at 22,000tpd. This increase in capacity by foreign companies has created unrest among domestic manufacturers....