Cement News tagged under: East Africa

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The pull towards Tanzania

11 May 2021, Published under Cement News

Despite a slight contraction in 2020, Tanzania’s cement consumption is estimated to remain stable or increase going forward owing to promising market fundamentals. However, overcapacity remains an issue and producers are having to become innovative to retain market share and margins. A major new addition is also waiting in the wings. By Lisa Kimathi, Standard Investment Bank, Kenya. Infrastructure development is one of the driving forces for the realisation of Tanzania’s Vision 2025 ...

Twiga Cement to expand production capacity

19 April 2021, Published under Cement News

Tanzania Portland Cement (Twiga Cement) has announced its intention to invest US$15m in an expansion and rehabilitation programme in 2021, according to the Tanzania Daily News. For the past 10 years, the factory has been producing 1.2Mta of cement, but it has currently increased capacity to about 2Mta. "Twiga Cement is doing well and we are happy for that, they have also thanked the government for better business environment despite the fact that there are small policy challenges which...

Twiga Cement saw profits rise 25% in 2020

16 April 2021, Published under Cement News

Tanzania Portland Cement (Twiga Cement) saw its pretax profit rise 25 per cent YoY to TZS107.42bn (US$46.3m) in 2020, against TZS85.87bn in the previous year. The company’s turnover and sales volumes also increased 13 and six per cent, respectively, during the year. "The operating performance of the plant and availability of the machinery was good, ensuring clinker production reached record levels," said Hakan Gurdal, chairman. Mr Gurdal said the future looks bright as cement demand in T...

Kolos sees 17% profit drop in 2020

06 April 2021, Published under Cement News

Mauritius-based Kolos saw its profits fall by 17.4 per cent to MUR145m (US$3.57) from MUR175.6m in 2019. The company’s income declined from MUR1.4bn to MUR1.3bn. The drop in profit and income was the result of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the rising cost of raw materials as the rupee weakened. However, the company stated that “despite the difficult operating environment, the company showed tremendous resilience and demonstrated its ability to ensure continuous sup...

Messebo Cement resumes operations

24 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Ethiopia’s Messebo Cement has now resumed production after suspending operations for four months due to fighting in the area. Melaku Alebel, Minister of Trade, has confirmed that the company has started supplying products to stabilise the cement market. While cement prices had spiked in recent weeks, following measures taken by the Ministry of Trade, the price has fallen to ETB420/100kg (US$10.14) from ETB600 in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia's cement sector is on the brink of transition

12 March 2021, Published under Cement News

This week the construction of the Lemi National Cement industrial Complex by East Africa Holdings (National Cement) and West China Cement Ltd in the Amhara region of Ethiopia was announced. This privately-owned industrial park will invest US$2.2bn into the production of building materials, including a 10,000tpd cement plant, adding 3.3Mta to domestic cement capacity and is scheduled to take 18 months to complete. It will take 5-7 years to before the complex is fully complete. Cement ...

New cement project set to begin in Ethiopia

09 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Lemi National Cement Industrial Complex, a new private industrial park, is set to be built in the Amhara region of Ethiopia by private investors, according to The Swazi Observer. The US$2.2bn complex is expected to feature many different factories, including a 10,000tpd cement plant. Other factories to be built at the park include gypsum, board and glass manufacturing. The new park is owned by East Africa Holdings, the group which also runs National Cement. China’s West International Hold...

EAPCC sees revenue down 6%

26 February 2021, Published under Cement News

Kenya’s East African Portland Cement (EAPCC) has posted a KES1.035bn (US$9.425m) net loss for the half-year ended on 31 December 2020. The loss was still a 34 per cent improvement from the KES1.575bn loss recorded in the year-ago period. The company’s revenue fell by 6.3 per cent YoY to KES1.39bn from KSh1.48bn in the 1HFY19-20, on the back of a slowdown in the real estate and construction industry. EAPCC is also expected to end its corporate loan facility to cut high finance costs thr...

Mugher Cement Factory seeks production increase

27 January 2021, Published under Cement News

Ethiopia’s Mugher Cement Factory will boost production to increase its share of the market, according to Takele Uma, minister of mines and petroleum. The minister stated that the state-owned cement factory’s current production volumes are disproportionate compared to the abundant natural resources in the area. Therefore, efforts will be made to improve production capacity and increase its market share above 25 per cent.

Karamoja cement plant proposed by Ugandan presidential candidate

17 December 2020, Published under Cement News

The Forum for Democratic Change government, in Uganda, will construct a cement factory in Karamoja Sub-region if elected into power, Mr Patrick Amuriat Oboi, the party’s presidential candidate, has said.  Mr Amuriat, who is campaigning in the sub-region, said while Karamoja has a wealth of minerals, the current regime has deliberately refused to construct factories there and preferred to transport the raw minerals to other regions. "I will make sure my government constructs a lime...