Cement News tagged under: East Africa

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Cement prices rise in Zimbabwe

14 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Zimbabwe's construction sector appears to be on course for a revival, driven by public spending on infrastructure and private development. However, a recent increase in cement prices could restrict the recovery. On average, a 50kg bag, which ordinarily costs around US$10.50, is now around US$13. An intermittent supply of cement on the local market looks to be behind the high cement prices, according to The Herald. The price hike has resulted in a rise in cheap imports from the region, par...

Devki Group to switch to self-power generation by 2023

08 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Devki Group is planning to generate its own power by 2023 as the high cost of power is seen by the company as the biggest threat to Kenya’s manufacturing sector. Narendra Raval, Devki Group founder, said the decision to self-generate the company’s own power became clearer after Kenya Power demanded KES2.8bn (US$24.4m) to connect electricity to the Emali clinker factory. The company will start with a 64MW power plant in the Pokot region as it commences construction on on the Pokot cemen...

Bamburi Cement lands government infrastructure deals

06 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement has secured lucrative government contracts for the supply of cement for key infrastructure projects in the region as part of efforts to staying afloat in a competitive cement market that has seen its net profit drop by 80 per cent in five years. The East African reports that Bamburi (Holcim group) has won tenders to supply cement key government infrastructure projects in Kenya, including Thwake dam, Nairobi Expressway, Dongu Kundu bypass, Lamu port, Lamu Port-South Sudan...

DMC prepares power supply for new project

02 September 2021, Published under Cement News

Ethiopia-based Derba Midroc Cement (DMC) and Sinohydro Construction Ltd have signed an ETB330m (US$7.24m) contract for a power expansion project that will allow the factory to double production and receive sustainable energy. The project to install the 132kV unit is expected to be completed within 14 months and will be supervised by Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP). DMC plans to begin production on its second production line within the next six months. It will have the same capacity as its f...

Bamburi Cement records 21% climb in turnover

30 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Kenya's Bamburi Cement has recorded a 21 per cent YoY growth in turnover to KES19.6bn (US$178.45m) for the first half of 2021, compared with KES16.2bn in the 1H20. Pre-tax profit also surged to KES1.1bn from KES213m. The company attributed the results to a recovery of the cement market, with domestic and export volumes rising while demand for premium cement products also increased. "The past year has been a learning curve that has enabled us to evolve towards more modern business practic...

Kenya consumption up 27% in 5M21

23 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Kenya advanced 26.6 per cent YoY to 3.35Mt in the January-May 2021 period when compared with 2.64Mt in the 5M20, according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The increase was supported by ongoing infrastructure projects such as the Nairobi Expressway and higher activity in the real estate market. Output from domestic producers increased by 27.3 per cent to 3.38Mt in the 5M21 from 2.65Mt in the 5M20. “Cement production has been strong, aligned with consumpti...

New 0.2Mta plant set to be built in Mozambique

20 August 2021, Published under Cement News

A new cement plant is expected to be constructed in the Namacurra district of Mozambique, with around US$15m of Chinese investment. The feasibility of the 200,000tpa unit depends on the environmental impact study. The public consultation of which begins this month, according to Fom Ma Jo Chon, representative of Africa Great Wall Manufacture. The company expects the process to be completed in six months and plant construction to begin shortly afterwards. The limestone used will be Mozambica...

Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe sees 24% rise in cement volumes

06 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe registered a 23.7 per cent increase in cement volumes spurred by growing demand in the period ended May 2021, compared to the prior year. Company secretary, Faithful Sithole, said there was a surge in demand for cement for home building in spite of the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. "In line with the 2021 strategic agenda, the business achieved volume growth leveraging on the growing market demand in the individual home builder segment as well as the o...

Bamburi Cement Ltd changes to Bamburi Cement PLC

03 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Kenya-based Bamburi Cement Ltd has changed its name to Bamburi Cement PLC in compliance with the Companies Act 2015 following shareholders’ approval on 10 June 2021. The name change follows registration of the new name in line with provisions of the Section 53 of the Companies Act 2015, that requires companies that are both a limited company and a public company to be registered with a name that ends with 'public limited company' or the abbreviation 'plc'. 'The change of name applies only...

PPC Zimbabwe expects to repay legacy debt in FY22

23 July 2021, Published under Cement News

PPC Zimbabwe has acknowledged the receipt of US$11.2m under a legacy debts repayment facility. The company had accrued a US$21m debt due to cash flows generated in the country by foreign entities that could not be repatriated to foreign suppliers due to foreign exchange shortages. However, the cement producer’s debt repayments were boosted by a 2019 move from Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to assume legacy foreign debts. The company has also announced that it expects to conclude repayments o...