Cement News tagged under: Energy

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Sustainable vision supported by thyssenkrupp at Cotec meeting

10 February 2017, Published under Cement News

At the 11th Cumbre de Cotec Europa, an event hosted by the Cotec Foundation, thyssenkrupp supported the organisation's vision for a sustainable model for the economy and production systems. Together with several European partners the company has already developed various products aimed at reducing waste and energy consumption in cities, where the largest amount of energy is consumed. The King of Spain, Felipe VI, chaired the event together with the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio...

Japan: finding new ways

19 December 2016, Published under Cement News

Since the last decade of the 20th century, Japan has been stuck in a deflationary economic spiral, but now a fragile growth is emerging. While the country finds new ways to prosper and can look forward to hosting the Olympic Games in 2020, public investment is not expected to provide the fast track to prosperity. Cement producers will find most support in private investment and exports, which are resuming their upward trajectory. As it upgrades its transport network, replacing one pio...

It's all about the costs

26 August 2016, Published under Cement News

Dr Clark considers the value of measuring and comparing the costs of making cement as the first step to optimising, ie minimising, those outlays as he discusses cost benchmarking and optimisation. Raw materials can be cheaper to extract with bulldozers The Technical Forum has covered many technical topics related to the production of cement over the years. However, we must always keep in mind that cement-making companies and factories must also be money-making operations to s...

Philippines: Cemex achieves Energy Management ISO

07 July 2016, Published under Cement News

Cemex Holdings Philippines’ subsidiaries, Solid Cement Corporation and Apo Cement Corporation, recently passed the ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management System (EnMS) audits , making them the first cement plants in the country to receive an SGS Philippines endorsement for the EnMS certification. The implementation of an EnMS represents Cemex’s proactive stance and commitment in achieving sustainable operations through energy optimisation and in contributing positively to mitigate the impact of...

Rwanda: rail and energy projects to boost cement demand

23 May 2016, Published under Cement News

The Rwandan government’s announcement of two major infrastructure projects is set to be a boon for the country’s cement producers, the Mail and Guardian Africa reports. The KivuWatt gas-water extraction project will take gas from Lake Kivu to generate 100MW of electricity by 2019, while the Dar es Salaam-Isaka-Kigali/Keza-Musongati (DIKKM) standard-gauge railway will link Rwanda with ports in neighbouring Tanzania. Busi Legodi, CEO of PPC Rwanda, has welcomed the new initiatives, notin...

Cemex to invest in seven energy projects

01 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Cemex has plans for seven energy projects in Mexico, including wind parks, according to its CEO, Fernando González Olivieri. The structure of the investment would run along similar debt-to-equity lines as used in the construction of the Ventika wind farm, promoted by Cemex and Fisterra Energy, a Blackstone subsidiary. Some 75 per cent of funds were contributed by NadBank, Banobras, Nafin, Bancomext and Santander. The balance was met by Fisterra, Cemex and other investors with Cemex investi...

Nigeria's long-term viability

23 December 2015, Published under Cement News

Despite short-term macroeconomic challenges, Nigeria’s demand for cement is expected to expand significantly in the longer term. Investments in infrastructure, population growth and private-sector led initiatives are all expected to drive growth going forward, spurring domestic producers to invest heavily in new cement production capacity. By Damilola Lawal, CardinalStone Partners Ltd, Nigeria. Dangote Cement plant, Obajana, Kogi state, Nigeria Nigeria has undergone a dramatic r...

Egypt's new-found energy

09 November 2015, Published under Cement News

Following its successful navigation of turbulent social and political waters, the Egyptian cement industry has more recently had to face the challenge of overcoming gas shortages and a phase-out of power subsidies. Diversifying energy and power sources has now become a key priority as producers look to secure supplies, stabilise production and serve growing demand. By Shady Sharaf, Aboubakr Emam, CFA & Kamal El-Sheikh, Cairo Financial Holding, Egypt. Arabian Cement Co converted its pl...

Egypt: SCG reports 18% drop in 3Q revenue

03 November 2015, Published under Cement News

Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC) reported an 18 per cent decrease in revenues for the third quarter of the year versus the same period in 2014 and 12 per cent for the first nine months. The company said that during this period the market demand experienced a limited growth (2.1 per cent for the quarter, 1.6 per cent for the nine months). Combined with a steep reduction in exports, a marked oversupply was witnessed in the domestic market, causing prices to decline. This overall t...

Germany's housing benefits

26 October 2015, Published under Cement News

Following last year’s recovery in German cement demand, a subdued start to 2015 means growth is likely to peter out. Housebuilding continues to recover from a low base, but the outlook for industrial construction appears downbeat. On the corporate front, M&A activity and asset swaps by European majors have led to some German plants now being under new management. German housing continues its recovery and increases its share of German construction activity The German economy grew...