Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Cemex improves on safety record

17 August 2007, Published under Cement News

Cemex UK celebrated an accident free year at its Rugby production plant last week. The producer hit 365 days without a reportable accident at the cement kiln as part of a long-term campaign to reduce accidents and injuries. The latest total beats the plant’s previous 152 day record reached in 2005 and builds on the successful campaigns at its Kensworth quarry, near Dunstable, and the Southam and Lodge Farm centres in Rugby, which have remained injury free for eight and three years. A...

China issues clean production directives

17 August 2007, Published under Cement News

According to Xinhua Net, China has issued its clean production evaluation systems for six industries, including cement, amid efforts to curb air and water pollution. The standards will be revised with the economic development and improvement of technology, according to the commission. China has committed itself to improving energy efficiency -- its goal is to cut energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 20 per cent and major pollutant emissions by 10 percent by 2010...

Tyre chips fuel successful kiln trials

16 August 2007, Published under Cement News

Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement say the trial use of tyre chips as an alternative fuel in their high-temperature cement kiln at Tunstead Quarry, near Buxton, has been a resounding success, with all of the ‘Critical Success Factors’ set by the Environment Agency for the trial having been met. Quarry Management reports that, the equivalent of 2 million old tyres have now been used and the trial has demonstrated that using tyre chips gives significant environmental benefits, including a reduc...

Cement plant hearing to proceed

15 August 2007, Published under Cement News

A local pressure group opposing a $200 million cement plant near Weston, New Zealand has failed in its bid to have the proposed plant declared a non-complying activity. The Waiareka Valley Preservation Society went to the Environment Court in Christchurch last Friday to argue Holcim (New Zealand) Ltd’s proposal was non-complying. The society has opposed the plant because of the environmental effects it will have on the Waiareka Valley and surrounding communities. It initially sought fou...

New York state enforcement against cement plant

13 August 2007, Published under Cement News

St. Lawrence Cement has agreed to pay a $285,000 penalty and improve monitoring to settle smokestack emission violations at its Hudson Valley cement plant in Catskill, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Pete Grannis announced today. The cement plant exceeded state and federal air-emission limits at various times over a three-year period. The emission limits are intended to control the dust generated from the preliminary stages of cement production....

Homes plan for old cement works

13 August 2007, Published under Cement News

Plans for 160 new homes along with industrial workshops in the former Chinnor Cement Works have been lodged with South Oxfordshire District Council. Owners Taylor Woodrow Development Limited have not specified the number of industrial units on the site. Chinnor parish council wants more details about landscaping, tree and shrub planting and facilities like play areas and land for sport and recreation before it will comment formally. A development brief issued by the district council ...

Fairness must dictate NZ emissions policy

13 August 2007, Published under Cement News

Like it or not, New Zealand has ratified the Kyoto protocol, which means it needs to reduce its net emissions of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) to 1990 levels, or buy emission permits from another country under an international emissions trading scheme. It seems likely the latter scenario will eventuate. If the government introduced no domestic policies to reduce emissions it would be responsible for buying a sufficient number of emission permits f...

UK cement industry cuts CO2 emissions by over 3.9Mt

10 August 2007, Published under Cement News

The UK cement industry has cut its carbon dioxide emissions by 29% between 1990 and 2006, giving a CO2 saving of over 3.9Mt over this period, according to the latest Performance report published by the British Cement Association. This reflects the continually improving environmental performance of the industry and its drive towards sustainable production. The reduction has been achieved through the replacing of primary raw materials and fossil fuels by processing wastes and by-products from...

China to phase out cement mixers in major cities to improve energy efficiency

02 August 2007, Published under Cement News

China’s 127 major cities plan to ban cement mixing at construction sites in an effort to protect the environment and reduce energy consumption, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Wednesday.     Ten cities, namely Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Zhenzhou, Dalian, Shenzhen, Changzhou and Huludao, will begin carrying out the plan from   September 1. The other 117 cities will   start over the following two years.     Jiang Zengwei, vice minister of the MOC, said the country ...

Qilianshan CDM Project Registered Successfully

30 July 2007, Published under Cement News

The 6000kW low-temperature excess heat power generation CDM project of Gansu Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd was registered successfully by the Executive Board of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as revealed by the company on July 26th. Thus, the agreement signed by the company with the Swedish Energy Agency on greenhouse gas reduction officially went into effect. Gansu Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd will obtain approximately RMB2M in transfer income annually. It is the four...