Cement News tagged under: Exports

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Indonesia Jan-November 2012 sales rise 15%

17 December 2012, Published under Cement News

Indonesia's cement sales have continued their upward trend, with domestic consumption having risen 15 per cent in the first 11 months of 2012, thanks to the country's infrastructure and property sectors. Cement sales rose to 49.9Mt between January-November 2011, state-owned cement producer Semen Gresik reported on its website on Friday citing data from the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI). "Increases in cement consumption were driven by the property and infrastructure sectors, as we...

Senegal’s cement output impacted by Mali

12 December 2012, Published under Cement News

The prevailing socio-political situation in Mali has had a negative impact on cement production in Senegal. In 3Q12, cement output in Senegal fell by 19 per cent QoQ, according to the Dakar-based Directorate of Forecasting and Economic Studies (DPEE). The situation in Mali resulted in an 11 per cent drop of local sales and a 5.7 per cent cut in exports during the period. YoY figures also show a six per cent contraction. ''However, accumulated over the first nine months of 2012, the pro...

Siam Cement Group to lift exports to Myanmar

11 December 2012, Published under Cement News

Siam Cement Group (SCG) of Thailand plans to boost exports of its Elephant brand cement to Myanmar and expand its distribution network in the Southeast Asian country, according to an official of the company’s local subsidiary. Speaking to the Myanmar Times, Soontornpol Veerapravati, managing director of SCG Trading, which is SCG’s subsidiary in Myanmar, said the company would export 2Mt there in 2013. However, this is just a one per cent increase over the 1.9Mt likely to be exported this ye...

Iran’s exports rise 30% in first eight months

10 December 2012, Published under Cement News

Over the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year (beginning 20 March 2012), Iran exported over 9.38Mt of cement and clinker, representing an increase of 30 per cent compared to the same period of last year, the IRNA News Agency reported. In terms of the breakdown of export volumes, some 8.246Mt of cement and 1.136Mt of clinker were exported, with the main markets being Iraq, Central Asia, UAE and Afghanistan. Iran’s cement production capacity currently stands at 86Mt, the ...

Pakistan cement shows a growth of 3.43% in 5MFY 2013

06 December 2012, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement manufacturers and exporters during 5MFY 2013 showed a growth of 3.43% to raise total cement dispatches to 13.127Mt from 12.691Mt during the corresponding period of last year. The breakdown showed that local dispatches increased to 6.78% (9.484Mt), but exports declined by 4.38% (3.642Mt). However, in November alone, Pakistan's cement industry showed a growth of 17.47% on a YoY basis to driving total dispatches up to 2.649Mt, but they fell by 4.23% if compared with October da...

India imposes export barrier for Pakistani cement

26 November 2012, Published under Cement News

India has made cement exports subject to a performance bank guarantee of US$10,000 to be supplied by exporters. In a letter issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to all foreign cement manufacturers, said cement exporters would have to submit this guarantee to qualify for exporting cement to the country. The move has not been welcomed in Pakistan which sees it as another nontariff barrier imposed by India to restrict its cement exports despite Pakistan to have accorded the most...

Fulfilling Libya's potential

19 November 2012, Published under Cement News

Libya has witnessed considerable upheaval in the past few years but now, at the end of 2012, the country is emerging from the debris and is preparing for extensive reconstruction activity. However, the local cement industry will need to carry out massive expansion to its production base or face being flooded by imports. By Mohamed Douas, El-Kafaa Co, Libya. As peace returns to Libya, the country resumes its position, along with Algeria, as one of the Mediterranean's most important ...

Pakistan October dispatches down on falling exports

06 November 2012, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement dispatches in October 2012 fell by 5.87 per cent mainly due to a steep 20.59 per cent drop in cement exports, data from the All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers (APCMA), showed. Dispatches for the month stood at 2.767Mt, down from the 2.939Mt recorded in the same month last year. Local dispatches were 2.086Mt, representing a marginal rise of 0.19 per cent compared to 2.082Mt in October 2011.    In the first four months of this fiscal year, total cement dispatches stood at 10.4...

Pakistan exports to India decline

02 November 2012, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement exports to India have registered a decline of 15.67 per cent in the first quarter of current fiscal year, standing at 137,742t compared to 163,340t exports in the same period of last year, said Aizaz Mansoor Sheikh Chairman Association of Pakistan Cement Manufacturers (APCMA). Exports to India have been in constant decline ever since the two countries opened their borders for liberal bilateral trade, according to industry sources. Pakistan traders blame the stringent No...

Iran six month output hits 36Mt

30 October 2012, Published under Cement News

Cement production in Iran during the first six months of the current Iranian calender (beginning 20 March 2012) has reached 36Mt, Esfandiar Salarvand MD of Fars & Khuzestan Cement Company, told local press. Mr Salarvand said that Iran plans to export 12Mt of cement in the current calender year. Last month, Vajihollah Jafari deputy industry minister of Iran said that Iran plans to produce 75Mt of cement by the end of the current Iranian year (20 March 2013). According to Mehdi Ghazanfa...