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India: UltraTech’s profits rise to US$109m for 1Q16

29 April 2016, Published under Cement News

UltraTech Cement’s quarterly earnings statement for 1Q2016 show consolidated net profit growth of 10 per cent reaching INR7.23bn (US$109m) for the year to March, according to a report in Mint. Capacity utilisation was also higher in 1Q2016, rising by five per cent to 84 per cent. Volume sales rose by 15 per cent YoY, but revenues increased more slowly – by five per cent – due to declining prices. UltraTech’s EBITDA grew by just three per cent YoY despite improvements in cost efficiencies....

Growing pains: southeast Asia's looming overcapacity

29 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Positioned between the two most populous nations on Earth, the emerging economies of southeast Asia have ridden the wave of economic growth in the early years of the century. Between 2000 and 2014 the 10 ASEAN countries saw their collective real GDP grow at 5.7 per cent annually and look set to continue this trend over the next five years. Cement demand has kept up with this brisk pace of expansion and – according to figures from Morgan Stanley – will continue to do so, growing at 5.2 per ce...

CRH 1H16 earnings to reach US$1.1bn driven by US and Asian markets

27 April 2016, Published under Cement News

In its earnings statement for 1Q2016, CRH predicts that EBITDA will rise to EUR1bn (US$1.1bn) driven by growth in the United States and the Philippines. This is around five per cent up on last year, with the final figure to be announced when 1H2016 results are published on 25 August. Sales for 1Q2016 itself are up nine per cent YoY, with US sales up by 22 per cent and Asian sales up 12 per cent. European markets were reported to be flat.  Some EUR85m (US$96m) was spent on acquisitions ...

New projects push Indonesia towards overcapacity

27 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Indonesia's dynamic market has attracted both foreign and local cement companies to invest in new cement plants, intensifying competition for existing producers and tipping the industry towards oversupply. Four new entrants - including companies from Taiwan, India and two local firms - plan to build new factories in Indonesia with a combined capacity of 12.1Mta, according to a report in the Jakarta Globe. The total investment is estimated at between US$1.3bn and US$3bn over the next few ye...

Lucky Cement to award 660MW power plant contract next month

27 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Lucky Cement is preparing to award a contract to build a 660MW coal-fired electricity generation plant at the country's industrial hub near Karachi. Negotiations with potential EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contractors have started and the EPC contract will be concluded during the month of May 2016. In March, the Pakistan Power Infrastructure Board issued a licence to Lucky Electric Power Company, a subsidiary of Lucky Cement, to build the coal-fired plant at Deh Ghangar...

Germany: thyssenkrupp to install new kiln line at Schelklingen

26 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Engineering firm thyssenkrupp has signed a deal with HeidelbergCement to install a new 4500tpd kiln line at the latter's Schelklingen plant in Baden-Württemberg. The new line is set to come into operation in spring 2018. Lothar Jungemann, CEO of the Cement operating unit in the Resource Technologies business unit of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions: “Although most of the cement contracts we have been awarded recently have been to build new production capacities in growth regions, this or...

Cementos Molins plans US$189mn investment in Argentina

26 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Cementos Molins SA, Spain, the main stakeholder in Argentina's Cementos Avellaneda, said on Monday it plans to invest US$189mn to expand production at the company's local facilities. The company currently operates a 0.3Mta capacity plant in San Luis province which will be expanded to 1Mta after the upgrade. The investment comes after moves by President Mauricio Macri to reconcile Argentina with global capital markets and improve the level of foreign investment in an effort to revive the fl...

Morgan Stanley: cement consumption to grow 4% YoY to 2020

25 April 2016, Published under Cement News

New research from Morgan Stanley predicts that worldwide cement demand excluding China has turned a corner and will grow at an annualised rate of four per cent between 2016 and 2020. The investment firm is particularly bullish about India, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, all of which it forecasts will see consumption grow by more than five per cent per year over the period (with Indian demand set to expand at 6.7 per cent). However, consumption in China is predicted to fall by 1.2 per ...

LafargeHolcim considering Vietnam exit

25 April 2016, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim Group, a joint venture between Swiss Holcim Ltd. and French Lafarge Group, may withdraw from Vietnam due to oversupply of cement in the domestic market, said Nguyen Cong Bao, general director of Holcim Vietnam, a subsidiary of Holcim Ltd. The group had a meeting with the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction to notify of the group’ business plans in Vietnam for the coming time, Mr. Bao was quoted by Dau Tu newspaper as saying Wednesday. According to the newspaper, Vietnam Cemen...

Ecuador's cement sector has to deliver

22 April 2016, Published under Cement News

Ecuador has been in the news for all the wrong reasons following the devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake which hit the South American country last Saturday. With more than 570 people known to have died and 25,000 people in temporary shelter, the country is expected to take years to rebuild the homes, bridges and roads destroyed by the quake, President Rafael Correa said on Wednesday. The estimated funds required for the rebuilding work amounts to US$3bn and the President has already announc...