Cement News tagged under: environmental

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Waste Knot Energy to reduce carbon emissions with new SIRF pellet range

25 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Waste Knot Energy has developed a new range of pellets made from non-recyclable waste, designed specifically for energy-intensive industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint. These include producers of cement and steel, as well as power stations. The Solid Improved Recovered Fuel pellets (SIRF) are made from dry commercial and industrial waste materials such as wood, card, paper and non-chlorinated plastics.They reduce waste going to landfill and are far cleaner to burn than fo...

Fiji producers issued prohibition notices

24 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Fiji’s Pacific Cement Ltd and Tengy Cement Co have reportedly been issued prohibition notices by the country’s Department of Environment to cease activities, after it was allegedly found the two companies had breached earlier notices regarding emission levels, according to the Fiji Sun. "Unless the problem has been rectified, the prohibition notice does not lift up. If there is any particular operation in any business that is affecting the environment, then the prohibition notice stops the...

Decarbonising concrete report released

22 March 2021, Published under Cement News

ClimateWorks Foundation in collaboration with Northwestern University has announced new research for reducing emissions in concrete. The report entitled 'Decarbonizing Concrete: Deep decarbonization pathways for the cement and concrete cycle in the United States and China'  shows in greater detail than ever before multiple ways to drive the cement industry toward net-zero emissions by mid-century, including production-side mitigation measures, research and development, and demand reduction...

Hanson set to begin working on carbon capture and storage

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

HyNet North West has secured GBP72m of funding to create the world’s first low-carbon industrial cluster, through its development of a hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in northwest England. As a consortium partner, Hanson can now carry out a CCS feasibility study at its Padeswood facility near Mold, Flintshire, according to a press release. The study will provide a design basis and cost estimate for a carbon capture plant and connection to the planned HyNet North West...

Titan Cement Group sets new ESG targets for 2025

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Titan Cement Group has released its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) targets for 2025 and beyond. The targets include an updated, more ambitious, CO 2 reduction goal for 2030, aligned with the vision of the European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.  "We are building on our strong track record on sustainability and aspire to increase our positive impact on people, society, and the environment. We are committing to ambitious targets that aim to generate more valu...

Titan Cement Group sets new ESG targets for 2025

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Titan Cement Group has released its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) targets for 2025 and beyond. The targets include an updated, more ambitious, CO 2 reduction goal for 2030, aligned with the vision of the European Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.  "We are building on our strong track record on sustainability and aspire to increase our positive impact on people, society, and the environment. We are committing to ambitious targets that aim to generate more valu...

LafargeHolcim appoints Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim announces the expansion of Magali Anderson's role to Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, effective March 2021, putting sustainability at the core of its innovation pipeline. She has been a member of the Group Executive Committee since October 2019, when she was appointed Chief Sustainability Officer. In this expanded position, Anderson takes on the leadership and development of the company’s global R&D strategy and organisation, as well as external innovation collabor...

Blue Planet joins the WCA

19 March 2021, Published under Cement News

The World Cement Association (WCA) has further expanded its international network of members by welcoming Blue Planet as an Associate Corporate Member. Blue Planet is a Silicon Valley company that has developed a novel carbon capture and utilisation system. The system provides a cost-effective and permanent way to remove CO 2 from the air. Its technology uses CO 2 as a raw material for making carbonate rocks, which are used in place of quarried natural limestone rock, the pri...

Cemex to develop a carbon-neutral alliance in Germany

18 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Cemex SAB de CV is developing a carbon-neutral alliance in Germany as part of its ‘Future Action programme’ to test and accelerate technologies to reach carbon neutrality at its Rüdersdorf plant. Cemex is joining pioneering industrial consortiums to develop industrial-scale demonstration projects using ground-breaking technologies to form this alliance, which aspires to achieve carbon neutrality at the Rüdersorf plant by 2030. Several technologies, including waste heat recovery, carbon...

Argos launches Soluciones Verdes

18 March 2021, Published under Cement News

Argos officially launched its Green Solutions portfolio 'Soluciones Verdes' following a webinar on 17 March. The Colombian cement producer outlined how it will produce more environmentally-friendly products and services building towards a more sustainable future. The initiative aims to provide actions, products and services to reduce carbon emissions, adapting to natural phenomena, contributing to the circular economy and promoting well-being and comfort solutions.  Green cement will be a...