We have a plant of short kiln with two stations 52m length and 4.8m dia since some months we are facing problem of re...
These temperatures are serious and will damage the kiln. You need to change the kiln chemistry to adjust the flux con...
We need to know the distribution temperature on preheater kiln - in-line calciner - double string - four-stages cyclo...
The shell temperature profile varies with the kiln process (precalciner, preheater, long dry, wet etc.), type of refr...
At what temperature would a hotspot in a cement kiln become visible to the eye?
That depends to some extent on the human eye, which is variable. I can personally see them above 450 degrees C.
What is the optimal forced air flow on the kiln shell? How does this impact on the refractory life? What is the inter...
I would say the optimum forced air flow on the kiln shell is zero. The higher the air flow then the higher is the los...
We have a hot spot at 22m on our kiln, would it be possible to use a jet of water to cool the shell in this area?
People sometimes do that. However, it causes a significant blemish on the shell and when the water is switched on a s...