Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

New business boosts rates

21 September 2004, Published under Cement News

As expected last week the market has been prompt to react to the new wave of business which surfaced this week on almost all dry bulk markets. Capesize rates regained more than half the ground lost la

Markets still under pressure

01 September 2004, Published under Cement News

While the iron ore & steel groups are building up their production capacities and stabilising their supplies through long term contracts, all dry bulk shipping markets remain under pressure with rate

Markets somewhat in limbo late-August

24 August 2004, Published under Cement News

With Panamaxes having been very much in the centre of attention during the past week, the market as a whole seems to have taken on a stroll along the beach. Without direction or a real pace, the mar

Relax its summertime

11 August 2004, Published under Cement News

The heat that took the market up a little last week didn’t last long and rates started to level out or even decline over the last trading days. However the average daily returns remain very high

Bulk rates look for direction

Bulk rates look for direction

27 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Despite that rates ended the week with figures lower than seven days before, the market showed that it can still be prompt to react to any tiny signal coming from demand. It has especially been the ca

Rates now on the rise

19 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Despite the announcement that Chinese industrial production is feeling the first effects of the credit squeeze organised by local authorities to avoid overheating, dry bulk markets have again experien

Rocket-style take-off

Rocket-style take-off

14 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Despite the announcement that Chinese industrial production is feeling the first effects of the credit squeeze organised by local authorities to avoid overheating, dry bulk markets have again experien

Start summer scale-down

22 June 2004, Published under Cement News

With spring coming to an end and the summer to commence, business is starting to scale down to summer levels as could be expected. All bulk rates continued to be under pressure and slipping gradually

Navigating in troubled waters

08 June 2004, Published under Cement News

While charterers are now firmly back on the Cape market especially in the East with a higher number of fixtures reported and rates at least stabilised, Panamaxes and Handies are navigating into troubl

Markets continue to fall

08 June 2004, Published under Cement News

The firmer trend that started to push up Capesize rates last week continued throughout most of the week however ended on a weaker note. The Panamax market remained similar to last week with still a lo

Downward pressures deepens

26 May 2004, Published under Cement News

Huge import stockpiles in China, linked with less port congestion, and the first effects of credit tightening measures taken by the government have badly affected the markets this week, despite the st

Waiting for the upturn

18 May 2004, Published under Cement News

The longer you can wait the more you win, could be the best way to describe charterers’ position this week on almost all dry bulk markets. No clear sign of any upward trend in the short term has

Going strong but no storm yet

11 May 2004, Published under Cement News

After the strong correction recorded last week on all dry bulk markets and as expected by most players the overall situation stabilised over the last five trading days. Capes continued to lose some gr


04 May 2004, Published under Cement News

All dry bulk markets recorded a strong correction, which surprised everyone. Contrary to the previous weeks the Capes have been the most affected in this global downturn. The feeling is that it is an

Panamaxes slip, Handies follow

27 April 2004, Published under Cement News

The overall upward trend the market recorded last week was short -ived and figures started to fall again. Panamaxes were the first and the most affected by the downturn, as the grain season is startin

Markets are looking up

22 April 2004, Published under Cement News

After several weeks of a steady fall, rates seem to be on their way up again for all sizes. Capes were prompt to react especially in the Pacific and the number of ships open remains limited. The Panam