Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

Freights: down but certainly not out

13 July 2005, Published under Cement News

While dry bulk freight markets are not clearly showing the way for a hard or a soft landing, particularly this week with strong divergences between the Capes and the smaller sizes, it still seems that

Have rates reached the bottom for 2005

29 June 2005, Published under Cement News

It is certainly a bit early to be too enthusiastic but the gains recorded this week on the Cape market show that we have perhaps touched the bottom for this year. With China still rejecting the pressu

Freight rates continue to fall

23 June 2005, Published under Cement News

While all dry bulk shipping markets are still nose-diving towards levels now deeper than last year’s lowest figures, many raw material producers are busy announcing production increases. Austral

Still no sign of any rate upturns

16 June 2005, Published under Cement News

As dry bulk shipping markets yet do not seem to see the bottom of their diving trip, most industry players still analyze this situation as a short term correction and remain confident on the long run.

Markets still point downwards

Markets still point downwards

06 June 2005, Published under Cement News

The wind of optimism is no longer blowing in dry bulk shipping these days. While on one side China progressively unchains its custom control on some raw materials, the government is tightening its gri

Outlook suggests rate decline to accelerate

30 May 2005, Published under Cement News

Too far, too fast? The fall recorded in most shipping markets (except for containerships so far) has made this week its first "victim". The now famous and successful tanker owner TOP who wanted to str

Freight markets look for direction

Freight markets look for direction

25 May 2005, Published under Cement News

With the freight market still on a downward trend the news this week mainly focused on commodities. First on Wednesday the IISI published its monthly report on world crude steel production, confirming

Steelmaker plans could affect longer-term rates

18 May 2005, Published under Cement News

While European steelmakers are, one after another, sending warnings about their financial results for the year 2005, the Chinese steel and coal sectors are on the edge of a global restructuring moveme

Some stability after recent falls

11 May 2005, Published under Cement News

While things are stabilizing on most dry bulk market after the quite sharp fall recorded over the last two weeks, the whole dry bulk shipping and industrial world is living with the almost daily annou

Rate falls in most sectors

03 May 2005, Published under Cement News

There is a sharp contrast at presenrt between the drastic fall recorded on most dry bulk markets and the overall optimism that still apparently prevails in the news with most articles or press

Rates holding firm in unsettled markets

13 April 2005, Published under Cement News

Despite the uncertainty some analysts have recently expressed (again) about the course and speed of the Chinese economy - particularly concerning the steel demand, elsewhere the need to ensure the sup

Markets remain unsettled

08 April 2005, Published under Cement News

The news front the week has been marked by the troubled negotiations on steel prices between Chinese steel mills and their suppliers. After mills accepted the now benchmark level of 71.5 per cent rise

Market activity reflected in increased rates

30 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Last week was not so quiet on dry bulk markets despite the absence of some players for Easter festivities by the end of the week. This steady level of fixtures stopped the fall in Cape rates. Situatio

Hot and cold news influences markets

23 March 2005, Published under Cement News

The lack of business that started to weigh down the Cape market last week has kept on bearing on the figures this week. However the last two trading days have seen some fixtures and stems coming to su

Mixed signals in the dry bulk sector

16 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Contrary to last week where almost all dry bulk markets levelled off, freight rates evolution this week started to diverge. The Capes did not confirmed the positive outlook promised by

The downs and ups of freighting costs

09 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Despite the rather unanimous fall in rates recorded this week, which is in line with what had been anticipated, the last 24 hours of the week have given some signals of an upward trend. Everyone