Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

Some nervousness lower down the scale

30 August 2006, Published under Cement News

The lower financial results of some owners have progressively disclosed in their half-year reports and the correction recorded recently on the freight market have failed to dampen most dry bulk market

A steely resolve for the shipping sector

08 August 2006, Published under Cement News

With steel markets still showing no signs of easing ­ and steel production in China alone likely to reach 424Mt by the end of this year. Some analysts already forecast another rise in prices for the

Taking a longer-term view

20 July 2006, Published under Cement News

Now, apparently is the time to negotiate period business and the larger contracts of affreightments (coa). This trend has been widely driven by the recent upturn of most commodity prices even if over

Steel mergers to impact on shipping?

03 July 2006, Published under Cement News

The now approved Arcelor-Mittal merger has provoked a wave of reactions amongst steelmakers; the Chinese ones of course but also the Japanese who are now pushed towards consolidation to be able to pla

Market fundementals promote rate gains

Market fundementals promote rate gains

19 June 2006, Published under Cement News

As freight rates are still improving, rumours and discussion are multiplying about long term time charter deals, but further to this seasonal movement another question has arisen: is it the right tim

Time for quiet reflection

15 May 2006, Published under Cement News

While a clear direction seems still to be hard to find on the freight market, things have at least stabilised last week with very quiet activity. On the news front nothing has arisen concerning the ir

Handy trades influenced by in-bound US cement traffic

Handy trades influenced by in-bound US cement traffic

26 April 2006, Published under Cement News

“Different companies, different minds, different moods” seems to be the weeks’ characteristic. Within all sectors of the bulk market, companies seem to be looking in different directions, triggering d

All quiet on the western front

10 April 2006, Published under Cement News

World crude steel production topped 1.1bn tonnes for the full year 2005 and according to the first 2006 results this figure, despite a limited slow down, could reach 1.2bn tonnes by the end of the yea

Markets tending to firm up once again

30 March 2006, Published under Cement News

Tension mounted last week between iron ore suppliers, particularly Australia, and their main client, China, which does not help to clear the view about which direction the market could take for the re

Handies and Panamax sectors start to climb

23 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Steel, then iron ore and now coal… this week has been widely animated by the coal sector with the disclosure of the long term Chinese government program to shut-down 70 per cent of small-sized mines b

Some signs of rate improvements

16 February 2006, Published under Cement News

In a week where the dry bulk market has proven that freight rates can react quite quickly to a come back of charterers, all the minds seem to be occupied by one word: “consolidation”. From the steel i

Rates still being held down

03 February 2006, Published under Cement News

Is it the start of a new merger wave? Many things tend to prove that our dry bulk markets have already entered into an M&A cycle. This state of facts is even reinforced by the downward trend recorded

Some falls but outlook remains fair

18 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Despite a start to the year that was not as "red hot" as last year on dry bulk shipping markets, optimism still seems to be prevailing among raw material producers. Last week some good prospects have

Looking ahead in 2006

10 January 2006, Published under Cement News

Will 2006 be the year for coal? Since 2003 the dry bulk market has been mainly driven by the Chinese iron ore boom which is not finished but will certainly know a more moderate growth. Higher oil pric

As the holiday season approaches...

21 December 2005, Published under Cement News

The dry bulk market seems to be steadying in this end-of-year period. In these rather still waters and approaching the end of the year it’s a good time to make a point on the fleet evolution. Th

Some good signs in Panamax and Handy sectors

14 December 2005, Published under Cement News

Despite the fact that Cape rates fell last week, there is so far no sign of a global and harsh collapse of the market as Panamax and Handymax rates did not take the same direction. The "war of informa