Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

Let’s hope for a better 2011 but...??

25 January 2011, Published under Cement News

The past month has been characterised by falling rates in most sectors, the only bright spot being a slight resurgence in the Supramax sectors over the past week

No real direction in the markets

21 December 2010, Published under Cement News

With the holiday season almost among us, recent trends point to a lethargy in most markets with no real direction

Baltic index falls, capesize cargo activity slow

26 November 2010, Published under Cement News

The Baltic’s main index has been erratic this year, as it was in 2009, because of swings in Chinese demand for iron ore, the primary ingredient of steel.

Markets remain fairly stable in late October

30 October 2010, Published under Cement News

Markets were noted to be holding fairly steady in late October with the the Baltic Dry Index closing on

At last, some optimism returns to the sector

At last, some optimism returns to the sector

25 August 2010, Published under Cement News

Will the Baltic Dry Index reach 5000 by year-end? One or two of the more optimistic brokers seem to be suggesting that this barrier could be broken, given

Some improvements in dry bulk freights but...

29 July 2010, Published under Cement News

Freight rates for dry bulk carriers have continued to edge higher during the last week of July, with the

IHS: outlook for dry bulk shipments improving

IHS: outlook for dry bulk shipments improving

28 July 2010, Published under Cement News

World trade by all modes of transportation – sea, air and land – will grow 8.1 per cent in

Looking beyond the near-term weakness in dry freight

26 July 2010, Published under Cement News

The Baltic Dry Index just experienced a severe downward spiral, undergoing the longest consecutive

Some gains noted but outlook still mixed in May

26 July 2010, Published under Cement News

A slight drop in the BDI mid-May, led by the Capesize market which was unable to maintain the pace of

Dry freight could recover next year: report

27 April 2010, Published under Cement News

A recent report by Bank of America Merrill Lynch shows that dry freight could recover next year.

Some renewed optimism for dry bulk sectors

03 March 2010, Published under Cement News

Despite a lack of movement in the Baltic Dry bulk index, it would appear that an element of confidence

No sign of any real improvements in freight markets

22 December 2009, Published under Cement News

A significant development in December has been news that Brazilian ore producer Vale is offering

Markets show renewed optimism as commodity trades flourish

17 November 2009, Published under Cement News

The dry bulk market continued its strong advance mid-November with all sectors involved, but mostly

Bears seen prowling the waterfront

01 October 2009, Published under Cement News

A dull end to September trading saw sharp falls in both the Cape and Panamax markets, down 11% and

Dry bulk rates lose some upward momentum

15 June 2009, Published under Cement News

Despite a weekly loss on all the dry bulk indices, brokers say there is no evidence yet of a full-scale correction, and with

Steeling oneself for market realities

06 May 2009, Published under Cement News

Continued volatility in the ocean freight sectors marks the day to day progression of the Baltic Dry Index