Chinese company Huaksin Central Eisha Investment, in cooperation with Tajik enterprise, Gayur, has started construction of a new cement plant in the Javansky district, southern Tajikistan.  Total capacity of the plant is expected to reach 1Mta, while the total cost of the project is estimated at US$100m.

According to the Tajik Ministry of Energy and Industry, the new plant will be built in accordance with all the necessary environmental requirements and is expected to aid the problem of shortage of cement in the country.

Tajikcement is the country’s main supplier of cement and operates a 1.1Mta cement works. However, as local demand exceeds production, additional supplies are imported to meet domestic requirements, mainly from Pakistan.

The new Chinese project is the second major venture to be announced in the Tajikstan cement sector in the last few months. Earlier this year, Iranian investors said they plan to start construction of a new 2Mta cement plant, also to be situated in southern Tajikistan.