The priorities of the new CEMBUREAU President, Ignacio Madridejos, are clearly defined and are based on two key lines.

On the one hand, the active defence of the cement industry’s licence to operate competitively in Europe must be maintained with the level of quality and strength demonstrated by CEMBUREAU up to now. Climate Change, with the EU’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETSi), and Resource Efficiency, with the need to reposition co-processing of waste, are to be addressed as key priorities in this context.

On the other hand, the promotion in collective and generic fashion of the use cement and concrete must be given a new thrust. An inventory is being made of all actions taken and of those to be implemented in view of the EU’s agenda and current developments in the market place. What are competing materials doing to qualify for Green Procurement? What is being done elsewhere in the world in order to promote cement and, most of all, how can CEMBUREAU actions be made more relevant and better known to marketers in cement and concrete companies? These are some of the questions to be addressed as a matter of priority. A roadmap will be devised which will identify leading actions.