During the first two months of the current fiscal year (July 2011-August 2012) Pakistan exported 1.371Mt of cement and earned US$75.888m compared to 1.72Mt at US$80.900m in the same period of the previous year. This shows cement exports fell by 20.03 per cent in terms of quantity and 6.2 per cent in terms of value YoY, according to data released by Pakistan’s Federal Bureau of Statistics.

In terms of Pakistani currency, exports fell 5.36 per cent during July-August 2011-12. Industry experts attribute the fall to the holy month of Ramadan (August) and the monsoon season followed by heavy rains experienced in the Punjab and Sindh provinces.
In August 2011 alone, Pakistan exported 664,930t of cement and earned US$36.816m compared to 706,936t at US$39.072 m in July 2011. This reflects a MoM decline of 5.94 and 5.77 per cent in terms of quantity and value in dollar, respectively.

A fall in exports was also noted when compared with August 2010 data (796,994t at US$39.280m), representing YoY declines of 16.57 and 6.27 per cent in terms of quantity and value in dollar, respectively.