The temporary ban on the importing cement from Namibia to Angola will be lifted and Ohorongo expects to export to the neighbour by the end of the year.

In an interview with Nampa on Tuesday, the managing director of Ohorongo Cement, Hans-Wilhelm Schütte, said the ban caught the company by surprise, as they had just started exporting cement to Angola in May this year.

“The ban has hurt us, but the good news is that the two countries have had positive negotiations and the importing of cement into Angola will resume towards the end of this year,” said Schütte.

“Our business proposal was based on selling cement from Namibia and exporting the products to southern Angola before we expand to some other countries in southern Africa,” he said.

The Ohorongo cement factory is expected to produce 700,000tpa of cement and 250,000 to 300,000t of that is destined for southern Angola.

“We hope that trade will be normalised soon and that the business will resume accordingly,” he said.
In June this year, the Angolan government banned the importing of cement from Namibia,  particularly the type that is used for building. The Angolan government said the ban became necessary because of an oversupply of cement in that country.